
Physical metrics

Physical metrics

These metrics are only available for specific competitions and players with at least 60 minutes of active play across all matches.

Metric Definition Products
Count HI per 90 The number of High Intensity actions: sum of Count HSR (High Speed Runs) and Count Sprint, normalized per 90 minutes. Advanced Search
Count High Acceleration per 90 The number of Accelerations detected with a peak value greater than 3 m/s², normalized per 90 minutes. The action needs to last for at least 1 second. Advanced Search
Count High Deceleration per 90 The number of Decelerations detected with a peak value less than -3 m/s², normalized per 90 minutes. The action needs to last for at least 1 second. Advanced Search
Count HSR per 90 The number of High Speed Runs detected between 20 km/h and 25 km/h, normalized per 90 minutes. The action needs to last for at least 1 second. Advanced Search
Count Medium Acceleration per 90 The number of Accelerations detected with a peak value between 1.5 m/s² and 3 m/s², normalized per 90 minutes. The action needs to last for at least 1 second. Advanced Search
Count Medium Deceleration per 90 The number of Decelerations detected with a peak value between -1.5 m/s² and -3 m/s², normalized per 90 minutes. The action needs to last for at least 1 second. Advanced Search
Count Sprint per 90 The number of Sprints exceeding 25 km/h, normalized per 90 minutes. The action needs to last for at least 1 second. Advanced Search
HI Distance per 90 High Intensity. Distance covered above 20 km/h, normalized per 90 minutes. Advanced Search
HSR Distance per 90 High Speed Runs. Distance covered between 20 km/h and 25 km/h, normalized per 90 minutes. Advanced Search
Meter/min Total distance covered across all actions, divided per number of minutes. Advanced Search
Max Speed (km/h) The maximum speed recorded. Advanced Search
Running Distance per 90 Distance covered between 15 km/h and 20 km/h, normalized per 90 minutes. Advanced Search
Sprinting Distance per 90 Distance covered above 25 km/h, normalized per 90 minutes. Advanced Search
Total Distance per 90 Total distance covered, normalized per 90 minutes. Advanced Search