Shot assist
Shot assist
The last action of a player prior to a teammate having a Shot.
- Every shot assist is guaranteed to have one (and just one) correlated shot. However, not all shots are assisted.
- The player doesn't have to have a clear intention to make an Assist. For clearly intended passes that lead to a shot (but not a goal), seeĀ Key pass.
Successful: Yes (API tagId: 1801)
A shot assist is always successful.
xA: Number
The xG value of a Shot that's being assisted by this pass.
Available metrics
Shot assists / 90
Number of shot assists normalized per 90 minutes.
xA / 90
Sum of xA values for all shot assists normalized per 90 minutes.
xG + xA / 90
Sum of xG values for all shots and xA values for all shot assists normalized per 90 minutes.